A220 - New York_East River
A Plan of the East River in New York with detail of Hell's Gate and an outline of Manhattan is linked to several of J.F.W. Des Barres' most important maps and charts of New York.
- c1776
- J.F.W. Des Barres
- h26.5" x w30.5"
- L
The Plan is made-up of two separate sheets of paper backed by a third. The first sheet, on the top right was produced as a rough darft for the production of J.F.W. Des Barres' 1778 Chart of Oyster & Huntington Bay, Long Island Sound with inset of Hell's Gate (Heritage Charts A207), for the Atlantic Neptune.
This 'compilation' plan is the work of J. F. W. Des Barres but is likely based on a prior survey by one of the surveyors working in the region at the time, with additional hydrography by HM Navy. The second sheet - bottom left, was likely added around September 1776. It is a direct tracing taken from Bernard Ratzer's finished-copy survey (Heritage Charts A202) prepared for the making of the Ratzer Plan of New York City (Heritage Charts A201). The two, separate, surveys were combined by J.F.W. Des Barres and apart from the section showing Hells Gate it may also have been used by Des Barres in the preparation of his Chart of New York Island, the North River, East River and Hells Gate [1].
A plan or map such as this was never intended to be viewed in any other way than as a tool in the production of a final, engraved, map. The topographical information included is in it's rawest state but nevertheless when viewed all these years later, with an eye on history it is so much more. The hand of the surveyor on the spot and the ingenuity of the map maker 3,000+ miles away in London offer a real insight into the genius of those behind it.
[1]. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet). "[A chart of New York Island, North River, East River and Hells Gate" Map. London: J.F.W. Des Barres, [1770–1779]. Digital Commonwealth, https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/7h149x73k (accessed January 23, 2023).
- A220_New York_East River